paint spraying

Our Upvc window and uPVC door spraying services are the perfect way to give those existing windows and doors a new lease of life and at a fraction of the cost of having them replaced!lease of life and at a fraction of the cost of having them replaced!

uPVC windows spraying nottingham

Replacing doors and windows always causes the surrounding areas damage in some form to the existing plaster work and not to mention the mess involved in having any building work done and until recently is was required to bring your home back to life, no matter how clean the job is. With Upvc spraying services, you’ll get an efficient, clean and relatively hassle free transformation and in a finish that not only looks the part but more importantly lasts. You can wave goodbye to brush and roller marks, and hello to a durable finish that leaves a factory finished look.

front door spraying nottingham

We can transform the look of your home or office for a fraction of the cost of replacement with our Upvc spraying service. Over time, all UPVC windows and doors will more than likely end up looking tired over the years but don’t worry because instead of costly replacements we are here to help!

Our airless Spraying services include:

  • Spraying uPVC Windows
  • Spraying uPVC Doors
  • Spraying uPVC Doors
  • Spraying uPVC Conservatories
  • Spraying uPVC Garage Doors
  • Spraying uPVC FaciasuPVC window and door spraying nottingham

At Paul Tinsley Decorating, you can choose from a vast variety of paint finishes that can be applied to virtually any surface, including uPVC. Depending on job size and complexity, Upvc and wood refinishing can often be turned around in a single day. We have a wide range of wide range of colour charts so choosing a colour couldn’t be more simple. All colours can be chosen in virtually any sheen level, including; Semi Gloss, Full gloss, Eggshell, Satin and Matt.

We are always happy to talk through any questions or queeries you may have. Please feel free to give us a call on 01158409776